
About WammaLamaPie.com

WLP Enterprises is a multi-national conglomerate dedicated to uniting every individual in the world.... by next Friday.
We also are dedicated to the inalienable right of every well dressed woman to get pied. I mean, really, did you know there are people in Fresno who have never seen a proper pieing? This is not to say we take our work lightly. Along with these pie videos we have produced some wonderful insurance brochures that have caused hordes of homeowners to not only reflect on the meaning of life, but to also re-evaluate their deductibles.

This site has humor because we believe a sophisticated treatment of comic pathos can be blended with a sense of symmetry to serve as an artistic reflection of society within a framework of a marketing message. (Oh Yes! My correspondence course in "Psychiatry for Dummies" is gonna pay for itself!)
We also believe humor sells better and will make us rich real quick so we can buy expensive shoes and property in Montana. Now...who are these women?
Who ARE the women of Wamma Lamma Pie?
Well...last year they spent 4.1 million at Victoria's Secret. They used over 72 billion watts of AC power to blow dry their hair. They destroyed 44.72 trillion aloe plants to moisturize their hands. In one week alone they use enough mascara to beautify Uganda. We are asking you...aren't these women deserving of being pastry personified?

However, these women are not "victims"...they are not "targets". They are women who enjoy entertaining you with the art of messy slapstick. They also enjoy Art...but only when his wife is not home. There have been occasions where Art imitates wife, and then we're all confused. But, that is indeed, another story...
piepie pie pie

We hope you enjoy this site....we hope you purchase the videos.....we hope we never see you on America's Most Wanted.
